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Bring our People to Your People
Through Your Doors on Location
  • Kickoff Party Host
  • Media Reception Host
  • Preview Show Host
  • Gala Host
  • Meetings Host
  • Model Castings Host
  • Educational / Seminar Host
  • After Party Host

Whether it is a few, few hundred or even a few thousand people that you would like to see walk through your doors, we have custom hosting opportunities that will do just that!

Get In on The Action

We are the gateway to a $3 trillion worldwide industry with an interest group of over 11 million in the State of Florida. The reach of influence of FUSION Fashion & Art extends from hyper-local to worldwide and directly spans over 100 other professions.
This sphere of influence has the added integrity of being cultivated and developed by 2nd generation fashion industry professional and President of FUSION Fashion & Art, Lilyana LoVela.
100s of Partipants & Media Attend Media Reception & Preview Show
1000s of Guests and Media Fill Partner Venue for 3 show dates
Copyright Lilyana LoVela  2018 © Fusion Fashion & Art™
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